Friday, August 01, 2014

Prove Me Now - Will God Provide What We Need?

"Prove Me Now" Malachi 3:10

The NIV says, ‘test me in this’. This admonition from Malachi prodded the children of Israel to trust that God would provide everything they need, and more.

Malachi’s message to an errant nation to heed who they knew God to be. Their spiritual malaise had driven the joy and obedience out of their hearts. They were fudging on their offerings—using sick and lame animals instead of the spotless ones required.

This prompted me to think. How often do I give God less than my best? (CLICK TO TWEET)

Do we hold back, fearing the well will run dry?  (CLICK TO TWEET)

Are we surprised when He doesn't provide what we need when we ask?
God didn’t skimp when He provided His only Son as an offering for my soul. (CLICK TO TWEET)

How can I offer anything less to Him in return?

Yet, I do all the time—I husband my resources thinking that I must conserve like I do with my favorite moisturizing lotion. I want it to last. It’s the New England way, buy it once and make it last for the rest of your life!

Romans 12:1 tells me to offer my body as a living and holy sacrifice. No compromises—No holding back for fear there won’t be enough for tomorrow, just giving my all to Him.


What are you holding back? Will you commit to give God everything you've got? (CLICK TO TWEET)

Have you read Malachi? There is a lot think about in this short book. What words grabbed your attention?

Images Courtesy of

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